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About Us

Mission Statement

Our mission is to be the most “trusted” company distributing premium Japanese farm produce to our domestic and international markets, meeting the highest standards in taste, quality and hygiene.

Our Strengths

An Abundant Product Line

In response to an increasingly more diverse food market (which includes organic and processed agricultural produce), we constantly work to enhance the selection in our product line.

Excellent Human Resources

We have professional staff dedicated to each product. They are experts with a keen eye for identifying the authenticity of produce, providing advice on seasonal sales trends and selecting the most delicious produce from the season’s crop.

Flawless System of Selection and Procurement

Our Expert staff go to the district where our produce is grown to visit the agricultural cooperatives and producers. These staff only procure produce they have personally checked and are convinced of its quality.

A Comprehensive Information Network

It is essential that we exchange Information with people from a wide range of fields to keep abreast of developments in the produce industry and thereby provide timely and meaningful information to our customers. Together with wholesalers, agricultural cooperatives, trading companies, and other industry related bodies, we collect and analyze information regarding food trends and new product development.


We are based in the Tokyo Metropolitan Central Wholesale Market in Ota (Ota Market) where, as Intermediate Wholesalers, we are allocated one of dedicated wholesale shops.
Ota Market is the largest fruit and vegetable market in Japan and farm produce is delivered to the market around the clock. It buys and sells 874,000 tons of farm products a year which is two and a half times larger than the equivalent volume at Tsukiji Market. Through its nation-wide network of Agricultural Cooperatives (JAs) and producers, Ota Market is able to attract the finest varieties of farm products.
Thanks to our strategic location, only 5km from Haneda international airport and 3km from Tokyo International Container Terminal we are ideally placed to export Japanese fruit and vegetables to most overseas markets: For example, if we deliver the products to the airport by noon, then a customer in Hong Kong can take delivery on the same day.

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At Matsugen we have over 65 years of history and we strive to deliver products of the highest standard at competitive prices with outstanding service. Our pedigree and experience within the fruit and vegetable trade is second to none.

inside of Ota market

We number many well-known fruit shops, department stores and supermarkets among our valued customers. Our professional staff, who are all specialists in their own particular fruit or vegetable, use their expertise, honed over many years, to advise them.